Research and Planning

Research and Planning


CD Front Cover

We are looking to make a CD front cover for the album called ‘Goes Like This’. Having made the music video for the single, we have an idea for how we want the cover to look. However we need to look at existing CD front covers, for albums in this genre of hip-hop/grime and the stereotypical conventions which we need to use. To gain a better understanding of the conventions we should use, we will use ideas from a large variety of examples as this will help our CD cover look more realistic and appealing.

Example 1:

This is an image of the CD front cover, to the album ‘Thank me later’. Drake is a very well-known Hip-Hop artist this is why they have used his image on the cover, to recognise the genre and appeal to his target audience. The effect used on the image is effective as it gives the artist a more 3-dimensional look in black and white. This effect helps the colour scheme as it consists of two main colours white and black. We will use this effect in our CD front cover on the artist, as it helps create a more 3 dimensional look to the image. We would expect a Hip-Hop CD front cover to include the main artist, title and the artist’s name, and should only consist of a maximum of 3 or 4 colours to keep it realistic and appealing. This front cover fulfils all these requirements; therefore we will use it as an example for our CD front cover. In a Hip-Hop/Grime video or CD cover, we would stereotypically expect rough and serious facial expressions from the artist with a sense of ignorance to show the ‘I am it’ attitude. This front cover includes that feature as we can see the artist has a serious face in the image. We would not expect an artist to be smiling or laughing in a video or cover, as it would take the stereotypical rough and rude feature away and consequently it wouldn’t look realistic. 

Example 2

Here we have another example of a Hip-Hop CD front cover. On this cover we can see the main image is of Jay Sean who is a very famous artist. This is an expected convention as it helps portray the genre of the album, and attracts the relevant target audience. The image is in black clothes, this is also a stereotypical convention as we would expect black to be one of the main colours in a ‘Hip Hop’ video or front cover. In text we also have the name of ‘Lil Wayne’ who is a very well-known rapper. This is a useful technique as it helps attract more customers who may be fans of ‘Lil Wayne’. The posture, in which the main artist (Jay Sean) is standing with the serious facial expressions, supports the conventions we would expect as it shows the ignorant attitude of artists. We wouldn’t expect an image of an artist standing straight with a smile on a CD front cover to this specific genre, because it would look unrealistic and it would take that importance off the artist which is essential towards the success of the album. 

CD Disk Cover

Example 1

This is an image of an existing disk cover, to a Hip-Hop/Grime album. On this disk cover we have an image of the background. On a disk cover we would not expect to see too much stuff in the short amount of space, this is why this CD cover is effective because it shows the location and makes the cover look appealing. The CD cover should not be crammed with too many colours as it will look very unprofessional, in this example we can see the effect has been used on the image, and it makes the buildings have a more 3 dimensional look which looks appealing. After looking at many CD covers including this we have seen leaving space to the either the left or right, or top or bottom gives it a more professional look. For example in this one we can see the buildings are placed at the bottom, which leaves clear space at the top. This is effective as it doesn’t look like there too much stuff trying to be shown in a small amount of space. This is why leaving space to any side on the cover helps give it a realistic and professional look. 

Example 2

Here we have a CD cover for a ‘Hip Hop’ album. The layout of this CD supports the commonly used techniques, for CD covers. For example the CD front cover includes the same text and image, as this CD disk cover. This is a professional technique which is used often as it helps relate to the CD case, and prevents any confusion when playing the CD. For example sometimes the case front cover includes different images, and the disk cover could look completely irrelevant, which could lead to misunderstanding or getting confused about what the CD is for. This disk cover also shows the technique of leaving space as we can see the image is placed in the middle so there is space on both the top and bottom. 

This is the front cover to the disk.

CD Inside CD

Example 1

In this inside cover we have an image of two characters back to back covering the page. This inside cover is appealing as we can see very less background, with two characters back to back with their faces showing in the image. This is an appealing effect because it shows both artists, covers up the space and looks professional. There is space left in between the two characters which helps keep the gap instead of having no space in between. As we would expect, the artists have a serious face and are turning towards the camera with the stereotypical posture, instead of standing directly in front and staring straight into the camera. This is an inside cover to a professional hip hop album, which looks realistic and interesting. By having two artists in this shot helps take up more space, and gives the audience more to look at, instead of having one image of the artist staring directly into the camera, which would look dull and boring. An effect has been used on the background to fade it away, so there is more focus on the artists and the background looks like an added feature. 

Here we can see a similar CD inside cover, where we have two artists back to back turning and looking in to the camera. The artists have very ignorant facial expressions, which links to the ‘I am boss’ attitude which we would associate with in this genre. The text font and size has been kept the same, as on the CD front cover which helps keep the link and consistency throughout the CD case. As we would expect, one of the artists is wearing all black this is an expected convention as the colour black is commonly used in Hip Hop videos, posters or CD covers. Both of the artists are black in this cover, this is expected as the Hip-Hop/Grime industry has mainly black artists. Throughout the CD case you would expect to see images of the main artist, as it is the main 


It will begin in the subway with nayib beginning the song
Goes like this

Shots from Lightwoods Park of Nayib miming to the song.
I come back with the big boy bars 

These p****** cant touch flows like this

Back to subway, with a few shots of Nayib miming.
On this ting like this h*** on D***

Man wanna watch me, from my head to ma toe
From my wooly hat, down to ma creps
No man cant test, cuz I will go mad with my flow
You should already know Im a star like trek

A shot of a sign saying, “welcome to edgbaston”

Tunes get around like the local skets
Im an animal but am to stick for the vets

Shots taken walking on bearwood high st
Got ninez and teks (reversed) aiming for your chest 

So I suggest, you don’t get me vexed
Get me vexed and Ill get you ex’d

Shots from Lightwoods Park (miming)
Im known from the east to the west

So I don’t really care, who got your team reps
Cuz ill merk your boys, so tell me whos next.

Shots from Car Park (miming)
And Ill merk off any goons

More time catch me in studio making tunes
Im the younger that’s making moves that always improves

Back to Subway (miming)
Beef ting, you can never last in my shoes

But, when it comes to the crunch,
Ill put a man …. In a permanent snooze

A few shots of a man lifting weights.
Flake off any guy, flake any dudes

Range of shots from car park. (miming)
Yhyh and im coming for your title

Watch me get messi just like lionel
You wont see me collabing with a s**t me
Cuz its like seeing a muslim with a bible
And if your claiming top spot..
Then moretime you’re my rival

A few shots taken by the cannel. (miming)
Against me theres no chance of survival

 get left in hospital, with no signs of revival

Shots in the car park, of artist rapping.
so tell me whos better the I 

you aint answering I know why
 cuz no ones better then N to the Y
Don’t move on road, you can see ne in the sky
So offending me, don’t try

Shots from lightwoods Park. (miming)
I come hard a beat, im fly

… I come first like January
you man come 7th like july

Shots from cannel. (miming)
blacked out hood, down to my face

roll with the dogs, sumfing like nate
always see me on road with
with with man lyk haych
so don’t step out of place
you don’t get eaten up, quicker then food in a plate

Shots from Car park (miming)
man get left with 2 wholes like eight

look like im gonna tell you straight

Cuz mana think, I aint on it no more

A few shots from subway. (miming)
Ut the truth is, if your thinking that 

Then you must be off it for sure
Im overly sick but I don’t need a cure
Im overly raw
Man get laid out flat on the floor

Shots from cannel. (miming)
Phone up haych to the one 

Cuz man like him is down for the brawl

So if you start beef, ill end it
Something like a sentence with a full stop

Mixture of shots from all locations.
When im on the mic, I blessed the booth

So when you enter, best take your shoes off
But mind your feet don’t get burnt
Because im spittin flames
You should already know whos hot
My boys are doing it, your boys are simply not.

Initial ideas for your music track, what does the track suggest? Is it happy? Sad?
This track is very fast paced, with a range of different instruments used which gives it a good effect. This song has no specific mood; it is a fast paced rap.
Note down any images that appear as you listen.  These could relate to the lyrics, the beat/tempo, the mood of the track
The song has a good fast tempo with a range of loud beats.
Note down any shifts in the track – tempo, narrative, mood – think about how you would highlight this in your video
In the video we will have the artist miming to the song in gangster fashion. The overall mood to the song is more hip/hop or grime, where the audience are left listening to the lyrics alongside watching the video. There is not much of a shift in the track, it stays at the same mood and tempo more or less, and however in the short breaks between we will have a range of different shots in different locations. After doing the research we saw, there is much importance on the artist in the videos where the artist acts very ignorant, miming to the song in gangster style. This is why we will follow this, and make sure there are many different shots so the audience don’t get bored whilst watching the video.
Identify points in the track where you can have a start, middle, and end (is there a slow build up for start? Instrumental intro? Verse chorus structure?) and mark these on a timeline on the storyboard
Our video will start slowly; with quick shots of all the different locations we have taken the footage. We chose this starting for our video to introduce all the settings, so the audience get a feel for the video beforehand. This also helps create importance on the track and artist, as the audience are waiting to see the main character, and want to hear the track. Then the track will go from slow to fast this helps speed up the action in the video.  In the middle of the track we a have a range of shots, with the artist miming to the song in different locations. Many different camera angles have been used with a good variety of locations. We will also have a few shots of road signs, or a man lifting weights with tattoos, to give the audience a little rest from just seeing the artist miming to the song. 


The example of a music video I have chosen is called “Slang Like This”. Throughout this video we are aware of the genre and message, which is being portrayed across to the target audience. For example it begins in a dark subway with a man walking directly towards the camera, this man is wearing a dark hoody and is walking with a gangster style posture. So far just by this introduction, we know it will be a grime/ hip-hop song due to stereotypes. As he walks on, the camera tracks with him and on the sides we can see vandalized walls. This supports stereotypes of grime songs, in rough areas with gangster type people. Straight after this shot finishes, it cuts to another location where again we have vandalized walls in the background, which continues the generic conventions used in such a music video. We then get quite a few different shots of people miming to the lyrics; this helps create emphasis on the lyrics. Most characters shown in this video are black; this also supports stereotypes, as we would expect black people in such generic songs. A range of shots has been used in this such as medium shot, long shot, close up, extreme close-ups and many more. The variety of shots helps make the video look more interesting for the viewer, rather than having the camera fixed in one place throughout the shot. There is quite a lot of camera movement in shots; this helps create meaning for the audience. Furthermore the characters within this video help support the genre. For example there is a shot of four young black boys in hoods, with gangster type posture, in hoodies with caps. This shot emphasizes it is a grime/hip hop song, with characters who have attitude and swagger.  This video ends with the main character walking out of the dark subway, with the dark hoody on.  It ends in the same manner in which it started; this is a good technique as it follows the structure for the video.

Here you can see the beginning of the track, where we have a good technique of editing used. As the songs kicks in with the use of instruments, similarly the video goes accordingly. In this case we have drums kicking very fast, at the same time we have this image flickering at very fast speed to keep in time with the song. This is a very useful technique, as it involves the audience and keeps them at pace with the song. 

This is another good shot used within this video, as it follows generic conventions, which we would get in a grime/hip-hop video. For example 4 boys with black clothes, with hoods, suggest it is a gangster type approach. Furthermore these characters are black, and stereotypically this shows it is a hip-hop orientated video. The white boy in the middle wearing a cap, which is another prop, which is usually used in such videos, looks odd which suggests he is the main character in the video. 

This is a good shot in this video, as it is a low angle shot, which makes him look superior. Furthermore his posture portrays that level of arrogance, which we would expect in a music video with this genre. 

This is another good shot used within this video, which we will use in the making of ours. This shot is located in a car park, where you have slight daylight in the background, with the main character standing. It is a medium close up which is an effective shot to use with a few quick cuts.

There are many good shots used within this video. Such as this one, here we have a close up on the cage with the main character in the background. The camera focuses on the cage with the background smudged. Then straight after, the camera focusses on the main character from the same position, however the cage gets smudged. This is a very good technique which helps create meaning on the character, and gives the audience a little change in between the video. We will use this technique in our video, with our main artist behind the cage. 

This is a good shot, where we have a black and white background with the main character the only subject in the frame; he’s colour clothes look more appealing due to the dull background. This is a good technique as the character gains more of an impact, and looks more dominant in the shot.

To finish off the video, we have a medium long shot of the main artist walking on the road. This is a good method to end the video, as it suggests the importance and shows the main character throughout the video. This shot shows him altogether walking in towards the camera. 

Here we have an opening shot for the music video called ‘Slang Like This’. I chose this shot as an example, because it is a good technique to begin the song. This shot is located in a dark underground subway, with background light (daylight) and the main character walking in towards the camera with a black hoody. The style of walking in to the camera suggests he is the main character in this video, furthermore the hoody helps emphasise it is a grime/hip-hop generic song. This is because stereotypically we would expect these techniques to be used in these genre videos.

Here, we have an example of a good technique to switch to a different shot. The main character slaps the camera away, and then automatically the shot changes. This is a very good professional technique which we will use in our video. Furthermore in the background here we can see graffiti, which shows the vandalised walls in the underground subway. This helps follow the generic conventions we would expect. 

A good camera movement technique has been used here with the camera going back as the main character walks in towards the camera. This helps keep pace in the video and keeps the interest of the audience, instead of having the camera fixed in one place all the time. 

I chose this shot, not for the camera techniques but for the style of acting by the artist. Here we have the artist miming to the song with ignorance, and a level of attitude, which we can see through his facial expressions and hand movements. He is walking up with a level of attitude, and visibly we can see that arrogance which we would expect in a grime or hip-hop music video. 

This is a good camera shot, where we have another hand-held camera shot but this time following the artist from behind. The artist can look back into the camera and mime to the song. We will also use this technique in our video. 

In this video, we have many constant cuts from one shot to another; this is a good technique as it keeps the audience’s interest. This is an example of a close-up which is used on the artist’s face as he is miming the song. This is a good shot as it makes sure we have a variety of different shots, and the background is smudged. This helps create much meaning on the lyrics and shows the facial expressions of the artist as he is singing the song.


Script for film

INT.  Underground subway morning/ afternoon

Begins with a few quick shots of all locations visited. For example the car park, high street, subway, garages, steps, town centre and so fourth.

After these quick shots we will have many different angle shots of Nayib, miming to the song in gangster fashion.

Nayib will be wearing a black top and hoody, with blue jeans and casual trainers.

The song will be played on my speakers next to the camera.

Cut. To Car Park Midday

To change the location appropriately, we will end the previous shot with an extreme close up of Nayib’s mouth, as he is miming to the song. Then once we come back out of the ECU, we will be in a new location.

Here we will have more shots of the artist miming to the song, in a gangster manner. For example his facial expressions of a “bad boy”, with hand movement in a gangster approach and body posture like “I’m the best”.

Cut. To High Street Later in the day like 4:00PM

This will be a quick cut where we go from the car park, to the high street.

In this shot we will have Nayib walking on the high street past the shops, miming to the song. Here we will have a range of different camera angles such as over-the-shoulder shot, pan, low angle shot, mid shot, medium-long shot and etc. Alongside these camera angles we will have good amount of camera movement as he is walking past the shops.

Cut. To Vandalised area with graffiti, 11:00AM

In this shot there will be Nayib in front of a vandalized wall miming to the song.
 A range of camera angles will be used to best effect.

Cut. To Car Park Midday

A quick cut back to the second location, to keep the rhythm and change the shot sequence so it does not look like we are going directly from one place to another again and again.

Cut. To Staircase, Midday

A few quick shots of Nayib sitting on the stairs miming to the song will be taken.

Gradually camera goes near him and he slaps the camera away, this quickly changes to the next shot.

Cut. To Drama Room, Dark backgrounds with dim lighting

Shots of Nayib will be taken of him miming inside, so it contrasts and makes it a little different instead of having all the shots outside in broad daylight.

A range of different camera angles and techniques will be used, to keep the audience interested.

INT. Subway, Afternoon

There will be quick shots of all the locations as we started to keep a good sequence to the video.

It will end with Nayib walking away outside the subway.

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