The target audience for this magazine, I think is for men in the 20s, early 30s. I think the target audience is men, as the images are only of men and does not include any women, as well as the colors such as blue aimed more towards men. The reason why I predict the ages between the 20s and 30s is because young teenagers would not like to read such amount of information. Young teenagers would get bored by reading so much text, which is why I don't predict the magazine would be aimed towards the youth.
Within this double page spread mainly three colors are used which are dark blue, red and white. This is a positive aspect as the colors symbolise the importance of different information. Throughout the two pages the text has been structured in columns, which is also another useful device as the reader can easily read the information which has been structured in the same style. Also another method of using a big-sized letter beginning the column in red, has been used on both pages. For example on page 1 the letter 'I', similarly the letter 'A' on page 2, in bold, color red.
This double page spread I have chosen gives an example of the structure and layout to a double page spread in a Hip Hop magazine Within both pages only one main image is used, this is a positive, consistent method used as it creates more depth to the page. However the disadvantage of both pages is there is too much text in short size font which makes the reader feel there is too much to read and could easily get bored. On both pages the image has been placed at the bottom, this is a positive feature as it keeps consistency throughout the double-page spread. Similarly the text style and use of color is also attracting as it is realistic and consistent. For example the title "ONES & TWOS" is in the same font as the masthead on the second page "HOME STYLE". Both titles on the pages have the same type of font, size, color and background. This is a creative effect as it keeps the same pattern within the two pages, for the reader to understand the structured style.